Steve's Real Food Turducken Freeze-Dried dog food combines highly palatable duck and turkey and apples to make a delicious nutrient rich food. This Mid-Range Fat Food uses a unique, 80% to 20% meat-to-veggie ratio to provide puts with the proteins and essential vitamins and minerals needed to help fight disease and promote strong bones, muscles, and organ function.
Ground Turkey, Turkey Liver, Turkey Heart, Ground Chicken, Broccoli, Ground Duck, Chicken Liver, Apples, Romaine Lettuce, Celery, Goat’s Milk, Sesame Seed, Chia Seed, Coconut Oil, Green Lipped Mussel, Taurine, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed, Dried Kelp, Inulin, Ground Eggshell
Nutrient | Guaranteed Units |
Protein | 55.3% min |
Crude Fat | 32.01% min |
Crude Fiber | 0.2% max |
Moisture | 4.4% min |
Carbohydrates | 1.7% |
Calcium To Phospahtes | 1:5:1 |
PH Level | 6.4 S.U. |
Calories | 4930 per kg (140 per oz) |
B.A.R.F. Formulation | 80% meat/organ/bone 20% produce |
Vitamins |
IU/kg |
mg/kg |
Vitamin A | 12460 |
Vitamin D | 3214 |
Vitamin E | 70 | |
Thiamine (B1) |
15.9 | |
Riboflavin (B2) |
50.6 | |
Pantothenic Acid |
50.6 | |
Niacin (B3) | 78.1 | |
Pyridoxine (B6) Niacin (B3) | 1.7 | |
Folic Acid | 1.4 | |
Vitamin B12 | 0.6 | |
Choline | 3210 | |
Taurine | 0.20% |
Minerals |
Ash |
7% |
Calcium |
1.5% |
Phosphorus |
1.43% |
Potassium |
.97% |
Sodium |
0.5% |
Magnesium |
0.11% |
Iron |
149 mg/kg |
Copper |
9.1 mg/kg |
Manganese |
9.5 mg/kg |
Zinc |
154 mg/kg |
Most orders are shipped with 1-2 business days, provided the product ordered is in stock. Inventory is rapidly changing so some discrepancies may occur leading to delays in shipping. We are not responsible for inventory errors. Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturday or Sunday. Orders will also not be shipped on holidays as determined by the shipping service selected. Item is considered in stock if it is available to us with 5 business days.
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